Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Some of my favorite memories are from when I was little and I played with my brothers and sisters. They were after all my best friends. On a rainy day there was nothing like getting to play "horse" in the basement or Barbies out on our big front porch. I love watching my kids play together. Austin is short fused when it comes to Jake but then again some days he tests us all. Jake likes to play ball with Austin any chance he gets and now that we have an even bigger family room "hit" as Jake likes to call it has been in full swing since we moved in. Ella on the other hand loves anyone who will pay attention to her but she especially lights up when one of the 3 men in her life come walking anywhere near her. I have taught her well, and we are well on our way to Daddy not being able to tell her no. Here's a few pics of our most recent playtime, unfortunately Austin was at school :-(

First he tries to sit on her

Then roll her

Hmm...what exactly is he thinking?

I know he'll get her a hammer

(Remember when I told you I'd probably end up with a hotdog anyways)..here's my tool loving girlie girl

MOMMA! " No Ella, Uck all wet!"

First the ugly cry

and then the REALLY ugly cry

She''ll teach him to take her hammer away

and then makeup time

There's nothing sweeter

than a little bit of love

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