Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We brought it..

but it wasn't quite good enough. We played some tough teams and it was a great tournament. By Sunday my sweet boy was exhausted and beat up. His arms are covered in bruises and his poor hip looks like he was kicked by a horse. He gave 110% and I could not have asked for anything more from him. Our 2nd game was the most exciting. It went into double overtime with a score of 0-0 when Austin did an I-formation 33 blast fake 18 bootleg- in non football terms Austin faked it for a qaurterback keep and scored a touchdown to win the game! The game ended at 11:45 at night in 22 degree weather but was worth every single freezing second.
Our season ended 9-2 and was a great record for a great group of boys.

My quarterback

Thanks Kenzie- she was the best flag girl ever!

Now this is devotion, I mean come on I am soley responsible for keeping his shoes taped and tied-I just hope I get his autograph some day!
His other fan-who by the was is just getting his voice back!
A few of the crazies!
One of the captains

The play that gave him the hip crusher

Being helped up by the one who always is the first one there ( I was told if I ever run out onto the field I will be banned from games FOREVER!)

Is he not super cute or what-I can say that I am his momma

Kenzie and Aust

This is the team we played Saturday night and I do believe that #99 drove them all out to the bar afterwards- I would love to check his birth certificate (10.. hmm I'm not sure)

he was getting soo tired

They may not have won the tournament but these boys sure had a great time!

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