Wednesday, March 12, 2008

She can officially come now because...

The Science Fair Project is DONE!! I know it's a sad day when you're life revolves around school projects. Can you believe I was actually sitting at the computer typing his papers for the project when I was wondering what was kicking me in my stomach so hard! Yes she was forgotten even if for only a second. I was focused on getting this project out of my way. Austin is soo excited to turn it in but is practicing in front of Don and I about how he will present it to his class. It is so cute to watch him speak. He does a great job. I am not going to lie and tell you that I was a little upset he picked a partner for the project because it was inevitably done by just Austin and I. Let's just say that this other boy and his parents lucked out with a free no work science fair project this year. Oh well I think Austin learned his lesson or maybe not. Most likely he will end up like his mom and not no how to say No. Here's a pic of our final project board...

On another note Jake took his first ever bubble bath. I am so worried about his dry skin that I only bath him with Aveeno but I must have thought he was missing out on all the bubble action so I gave in and he wasn't too sure at first. He wanted me to keep wiping his hands off. He was never upset he just couldn't figure out why they kept sticking to him. It was adorable to watch and he played forever. Of course now all he wants is a bubble bath.

He's also turned into a great little helper and even carries you his dirty diaper pail...sometimes just the diapers! He also likes to take chips of any kind smash them on the carpet and then go get his vacuum and sweep them up. He's turning into quite a character and we can't wait to see how he is going to be with his baby sister. Just 2 days ago he took his baby Ella wrapped her up, rocked her for a minute, gently placed her on the ground, and then proceeded to sit on her! Oh this is gonna be fun. Check out my helper..

Both the boys are doing great and we are all just anxiously awaiting Ella's arrival. Austin is of course nervous about stuff he may miss at school but we have reassured him he will get to everything he needs to. They both have their days when they seem annoyed with each other, I think it is because of the age difference. However the next two pics show just how sweet they can be to each other especially when their favorite doughnuts are involved...

Well that's all I have time for for now. I have been a bad blogger but look for some serious pic overload once our little miracle arrives. Please say a prayer for an easy delivery and a healthy baby. This all just can't seem to be over fast enough.

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