Thursday, November 15, 2007

Austin's Update

Austin's #1 Fan

The team got to say goodbye
The worst feeling I ever had..seeing him in so much pain

Some football buddies
Goofing around at the hotel
Ready for his 1st play in Kentucky
1st pass in Kentucky..COMPLETED!!
1st and 2nd BIGGEST Fans!!
We are so proud of all his hard work!

We didn't get very good news at the doctor's. Well at least not what I expected. He has a level 3 (the worst) sprain/tear of his lateral collaterall ligament. The good news is that he does not at this time require surgery. I am soo grateful for that. She explained how extensive a surgery would be at his age, drilling through growth plates etc, so again I am soo relieved that this should heal. He completely tore the ligament from the bone so he will have to keep it immobilized and stay on crutches for at least another 3 weeks. She said this type of injury can take as long as 8 weeks to heal but she will recheck him in 3 and we will go from there. She was a wonderful doctor but he was in alot of pain when we left from all the moving that she did. Here are a few pics from the weekend.

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