Saturday, July 14, 2007

To change the menu..

It has been unanimously decided that we will try to add to the menu but not necessarily change the menu. As you all know my home is abundant in hotdogs served with a side of meatballs. But the more I think about it the more I think I would like to try to add a taco to the menu...and then I hesitate. What would this do to family dinners, I mean we are all so used to hotdogs and meatballs. Hotdogs are so easy and you don't need much-a bun and maybe some ketchup and mustard. But tacos, oh man, they need so much more. A taco is just not a taco without it's meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, sourcream and for those that prefer it even dressier there's even guacamole and onions! Then there are sides of salsa and chips and they get expensive when you wash it down with a margarita. Hotdogs on the other hand go down with a good old Coke. How would a taco that cracks so easily hold up against the hotdogs that only burst under extreme pressure? What is a woman to do when given the opportunity to alter the menu when the one she already has works so well? What if I added a taco that decided it wanted to be more like a hotdog given the fact that my house is full of them? Although, I may not have to worry unless I can get the main man in the house to let me add a dash of "lemon swirl" to his hotdog and to no longer wash it down with caffeine. If not, it looks like the only change to the menu may be a little cocktail weiner wrapped in a croissant-but they are just the cutest little things. Decisions, decisions maybe I'll just keep dieting for awhile and let the man upstairs, who has already blessed me with the best hotdogs ever, decide what's for dinner. :)

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