Saturday, July 14, 2007


To now. When I realized I have taken over 500, yes 500, pictures since Memorial Weekend I decided that I could no way catch up. I will do an end of summer video showing new pics.

So where are we now..well it's still baseball time and forgive me but I am going to vent! First let me start by saying that just because Tom, Dick, Harry or in this case Mike thinks they can coach a baseball team doesn't mean they should. I know most of you have heard me mention what a pain in the ass making the All-Stars has been. Austin was strung along and finally put on the team..rightfully so. I also know how trivial this may seem to some but please just let me air my motherly side for a moment. In our minds Don, Austin and myself felt that he should prove himself beyond a shadow of a doubt and man did he ever. Thursday nights exhibition game Austin shined, he made amazing plays, had huge outs and even caught a ball diving backwards. He hit the ball and scored twice. What more could we ask for? He was flawless. The coaches from the other team where asking "Hey who's your short?" That kid is really good and coach Mike gloats back "Yeah that's Paterson he's from my team." (asshole). Given that Austin had a great game we thought that he was a shoe-in for the District game. So my sweet boy on Friday morning is up and ready fully dressed in his uniform by 10:00 am and the game is still 9 hours away! Oh well, he looked just adorable and he was so proud to wear his uniform out and about doing errands. Anyways, the game begins and Don and I breathe a sigh of relief when Austin makes his way onto the field out to short-stop. We hear he is in the top 9 batters. There are 13 kids and during districts only 9 can bat. The game starts and it goes downhill from there. Our "pitcher" who should not be pitching walks in 6 runs. Coach leaves him in and they finally start hitting off him. Austin had two huge outs for his team making great plays. He got up to bat and scored a run for his team and also made it home himself. Austin makes it back to short-stop for the next inning and again has a great out for his team. He's doing fantastic, we couldn't be prouder. So would I think that he would continue to play the game...absolutely. Think again. Austin gets pulled from the game after the 2nd inning and a coaches kid gets put in the line-up and is now playing short. Let the fun begin. Now I would hate it if someone talked badly about my child or ridiculed his abilities but let me tell you that EVERY yes EVERY ball made it past this kid and into the outfield. When he did get the ball he overthrew with a wild throw everytime. Don and I did not immediately go talk to Austin because at this point we needed to stay as far away from that dugout as possible. We stood there and just bit our lips. Eventually Don went over to see Austin and there sat my sweet boy on the bench. Oh how he didn't deserve that. He was so sad and just didn't "get it". Don gave him a pep talk and told him how proud he was of him for doing such a great job but that the coach could only play so many kids. Don walked away and I think we were all just wondering "Why Austin and what the hell is this coach thinking?" Is it because I REFUSE to lick his ass like some other parents or could he really be that stupid when it comes to realizing when a kid has talent. Now I know I am biased and that Austin is mine but he has played baseball for almost 5 years. I have seen it all. I have NEVER missed a game EVER. I have sat through rain, lightening, north winds, snow and 95 degree heat 8 1/2 months pregnant and I have seen kids that look like they were born with a glove in their hand and I have seen some that don't even know what a glove is used for I have even seen some try to eat it. Austin is good, very very good, perhaps by my standards great. Yes there are kids who are better than he is most have another year on him but Austin stands out, just as he should. He works his little butt off. He is never disrespectful or cocky. He's never late and gives 110%. But at what cost? If his own coach doesn't utilize his potential eventually he will begin to doubt himself..and that he did. At the end of the game (we lost it was a blowout 28-8 surprise, surprise!) Austin came up to me and said "Mom I didn't do anything for my team and that is why Coach Mike pulled me." RIP-out comes my heart. Why and how can 1 person so easily undue all the work I so relentlessly pour into my child -my purpose- trying to instill confidence and self-worth? It makes me mad, really mad. Why aren't coaches screened or given training so they know and realize how destructive they can be to kids who are at such a vulnerable age. Why are the good coaches so hard to find? Does everyone who has some "free time" qualify to be a coach? I am not asking for much-just a coach who challenges Austin to better his skills, learn from his mistakes, and acknowledges his accomplishments and skills. I know too much to ask. Mommy mode had to kick in and a pep talk ensues assuring him and reminding him of those two great innings that he had. Oh how I wanted to take that god damn coach and knock his head against the dugout. (yes I realize that was extremely harsh and no I would never do it) But come on already give the kid a freakin break. Anyways today is a new day full of hope and promise and yet another game ensues. We shall see. I will boost his confidence just as any mother would and I will stand by that field with a smile on my face so when my sweet little miracle looks my way he will know beyond a shadow of a doubt he has someone in his corner.

On a side note as I sit here and brainstorm how to avoid the politics of baseball I have come across an idea. I think that I will head downstairs, blow the dust off baby blue baseball cap from my softball team "The Swans" (I know so graceful) and sign up to coach next year. I mean come on, I can type on a computer with my left hand, wipe Jake's butt with my right, wash the window with my left foot and cook dinner with my right- all at the same time- so doesn't that qualify me to coach a baseball team?

Ending with the 2 who ALWAYS make everything alright..

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