Friday, October 10, 2008

Her 1st sink bath...

and she loved it...

she wasn't to sure about that...
a quick recovery...
love the eyes...

1 comment:

melanie, aka Mo said...

Hey, sink baths rock, don't they?! I may never use a tub again! Oh, and keep pouring that water over her eyes! Ellie was dunking her head and "blowing bubbles" in the water at one year! I think that we may try swimming lessons next summer!

As for Mo Beads, I go back and forth on what I am in the mood to do. Lately, I have been beading!! I have assigned Jessi the task of setting up an Etsy account for me this week. So, hopefully, you will be able to see some of it within a week or so! THanks for asking. melanie